The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



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Pope Francis: Truth is Mild. St. Augustine: Truth is Like a Lion

Also, it’s important to note that while the lion quote has been widely attributed to St. Augustine, it’s not clear that he actually said or wrote it. A similar quote is being attributed to someone else: “The Word of God… Continue Reading →

No, la Iglesia no va a esconder evidencia en contra de Jesús

Recientemente leí un libro titulado La Dama Azul, de Javier Sierra. El libro es sumamente interesante, es una historia construida en torno a los hechos verídicos que se dieron con Sor María de Jesús de Ágreda, una monja que vivió… Continue Reading →

No, the Church Won’t Hide Evidence Against Jesus

I recently read a book titled The Lady in Blue, by Javier Sierra. The book is extremely interesting; it is a story based on the true events that happened in the seventeenth century, when a nun called María de Jesús… Continue Reading →

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