The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate


United States of America

Ron DeSantis: From incumbent Princeps Floridiae to the next American Imperator?

Just like in the late imperial Rome, where it was common for generals to be acclaimed Emperors by their legions in far provinces, for them to then go back into Rome to depose their rivals, DeSantis seems to have used his successes in Florida to springboard his rise as a potential president of the United States, challenging his former chief for the American imperial elective honor. Is this the rise of Ron DeSantis from an incumbent Princeps Floridiae to the next American Imperator?

Whitlock: Marxists are Attacking America, Its Constitution, and God

Jason Whitlock went off on the Marxist undermining of the American experience on Tucker Carlson: “All of this is to bait all of us into a race war and distract us from an attack on America, its Constitution, and primarily… Continue Reading →

Today’s Civil Rights Fight Is Not What You Think

Picture this:  You are a vulnerable African-American woman living in the racially charged and publicly segregated Montgomery Alabama in 1955. You work as a seamstress and use the public bus system to taxi you back and forth from home to… Continue Reading →

Our Declaration of Independence from Tyranny Requires a Declaration of Dependence on God

“Given a freedom which is independent of God, independent of moral law, independent of inalienable rights as the endowment of the Divine Spirit, and America could note itself out of democracy tomorrow. How can we continue to be free unless… Continue Reading →

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