The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Venezuelans Didn’t Want Venezuela Either

Socialism. Not Even Once.

Venezuelan Paramilitary Officers Opened Fire in Church, Desecrated Eucharist

In a video circulating on social networks, a priest states that the perpetrators of the attack, in an attempt to disband the group of faithful, opened fire inside the church, profaned the sanctuary and damaged church decorations. The parish priest,… Continue Reading →

Democratic Socialists Ignore Democratic Socialist Venezuela

Another take:

Socialism or Toilet Paper. It’s Your Choice America

Venezuela: Petroleum, petroleum everywhere but not a drop to put in your car. #thanksSocialism

Oregon or Venezuela?

Waiting for All the Socialists to Recant Their Praise for Venezuela

Woke Millennials Would Rather Everyone Starve Than Suffer Income Inequality

Granted these sheltered millennials probably don’t understand the severity of the situation in Venezuela, but it’s clear they would rather risk it in favor of the socialist ideals they hold to than to endure more of the evil American “income… Continue Reading →

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