Fr. James Altman calls out Pope Francis for contradicting the Catechism of Trent:

Fr. Altman explains that people who assert or imply that, “The holy eucharist can be re even while not in the state of grace because of baby-murdering in the womb, or contraception, or cohabitation, or divorced and remarried outside the church, or same-sex anything, or any state of mortal sin. We actually do not need to do anything about them—these false shepherds—because as the dogmatic Council of Trent has handed down to us: they have automatically excommunicated themselves.”

He then provides a litany of Pope Francis’s violations of the Council of Trent including his defense of communism that we have critiqued.

In 2021 Fr. Altman was put on administrative leave from his position as pastor of St. James the Less in La Crosse, Wisconsin by Bishop Callahan pending the outcome of a Canon law case filed with the Vatican. Despite facing censorship from Church leaders, Father Altman remains steadfast in his commitment to the Gospel and the teachings of the Catholic Church. He has inspired many Catholics across the country to embrace a more robust and unapologetic witness to the Gospel and continues to inspire people of all faiths with his powerful message of hope, love, and redemption.

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