Pope Francis met with 100 comedians from around the world, including death-cult pro-abortion cheerleaders Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Whoopi Goldberg, telling them that their jokes “make God smile.”

In his address to the room, Red Francis said, “I look with esteem at you artists who express yourselves in the language of comedy, humor, irony. How much wisdom is there!”

He continued, “Of all the professionals working in television, film, theater, print media, with songs, on social media, you are among the most loved, sought after, applauded. Certainly because you are good; but there is also another reason: You have and cultivate the gift of making people laugh.”

Someone forgot to tell Pope Francis that these people gave up trying to make people laugh during COVID when the did peak cringe stuff like this:

“Remember this,” he added, “When you manage to make intelligent smiles gush from the lips of even one spectator — this I will now say is not heresy! — you also make God smile.”

Pretty sure that’s heresy.

“Humor does not offend, it does not humiliate, it does not nail people down to their faults,” the Pontiff claimed. “While today’s communication often generates oppositions, you know how to bring together different and sometimes even contrary realities.”

“How much we need to learn from you! The laughter of humor is never ‘against’ anyone, but is always inclusive, purposeful, arouses openness, sympathy, empathy.”

Yet, many of the death-cult “comedians” were part of the divisive propaganda against the unvaccinated:

Lifesite reports that “heterodox Father James Martin, who was formerly dubbed the ‘chaplain’ of Stephen Colbert’s vulgar, left-wing ‘The Colbert Report, was also present at the event.