Never it is too late to warn about many of the threats that affect us, as we are individuals with our proper internal “fuero” and members of bodies which build the society.

In this case, we do refer to a symbol used by many progressives: the so-called “rainbow” flag. This symbol represents the LGTBI lobby, which does its best to impose the totalitarian gender ideology.

As we know, the aforementioned symbol has become a key propaganda item. This is even used to represent the false and artificial “religion of State”, according to the process of Revolution, as it was described formerly by Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira.

Nevertheless, the aim of this article is to make some considerations that may sound extremely intrepid. But we Christians shall not be afraid of anything in our commitment to Truth, Good, Aesthetics and Liberty.

The Rainbow Replaces the Swastika

It is true that the rainbow is merely an optical and visual phenomena that originates itself when the sunlight has to go through very tiny water drops in the environment (we usually see then when it has rained somewhere). It is also certain that we may appreciate a light blue which is not alien to the visual spectrum.

The light blue is used to make a visual and graphical representation of the Mother of God (this same tonality can be frequently appreciated in stamps that represent the Inmaculate Conception, the patroness of Spanish requetés). It is not a coincidence that it has been intentionally suppressed from one of the most popular ideological symbols of the moment.

In some manner, we have achieved a design pattern that identifies a movement with concrete principles, as it may happen with other political and ideological movements (regardless their relevance in some expansionist abstraction of Nation-States). This idea should guide our criteria.

Free-For-All Totalitarianism

We may consider the LGTBI flag as an additional symbol of the ideology of gender (precisely, the so-called “homosexualism” and feminism are some of its variants), which was one of the intellectual developments that stem from May 1968, Gramscian cultural Marxism and Beauvoir’s contributions.

Despite the fact that social engineering propaganda focuses on feelings (by talking about “respect” and “tolerance”), it should be recalled that force and other degenerations based on coaction and violence are evident, because they do not act for the sake of Truth. Ruling against the natural order, they act in favor of an “official” and abstract truth.

For those reasons, the aforementioned lobbies seek the civil death of those who reject their thesis. As a result, they are led to social ostracism (mobbing, bullyng, generical political harrassment), apart from being condemned for the mere exercise of our right to free speech.

On the other hand, Christian anthropology is one of the main objectives of this revolutionary ideology, which tries to subvert the God-given natural order. They have replaced the struggle of classes with the conflict between men and women, having the aim to destroy the white, Christian and heterosexual man.

By this way, they try to end with family, understood as a higher order unity to which the individual belongs. That is the main network of support along his life. “Artificial and flawed” models as in values based on epicureism, short-term mindset and hedonism are promoted.

There is also an interest in paving the way for a totalitarian project without those natural counterposes that prevent the so-called States (modernist and diabolic entities) to carry out many tasks. Family and religion are the main intermediate associations that keep social and individual liberty.

So we may remember that the gender ideology is enemy of liberties and is part of socialism in general, as it happens with communism and national socialism. We have no doubt of their totalitarian inspiration. Apart from having hostages, it should be recalled that homosexuality and homosexualism are two different things.

Having said that, it is clear that the rainbow flag deserves the same consideration that swastikas, sickles and hammers. We are talking about a flagrant rivalry and hostility against family, free markets, tradition and property (we shall remember that the “new left” is not less evil).

This article is an adapted translation from Spanish, originally published at España – Navarra Confidencial

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