Nothing is more unworthy of a civilized people than being “ruled” without resistance by an irresponsible clique of rulers who are devoted to dark instincts. Isn’t it the case that every honest German is ashamed of his government today, and who of us suspects the extent of the disgrace that will come over us and our children when the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible and every measure is infinite transgressive crimes come to light? If the German people are already so corrupt and disintegrated in their deepest essence that they move without moving a hand, in careless trust in a questionable law of history, the highest that a human being possesses and which elevates him above every other creature, namely the free will, surrenders the freedom of man,

Goethe speaks of the Germans as a tragic people, like that of the Jews and Greeks, but today it seems more like a shallow, willless herd of followers, whose marrow has been sucked from their innermost being and now robbed of their core, ready are to be rushed to their downfall. It seems so – but it is not so; Rather, each individual was put in a mental prison in slow, deceptive, systematic rape, and it was only when he was tied up in it that he became aware of this fate. Few recognized the impending doom, and the reward for their heroic admonition was death. The fate of these people remains to be discussed.

If each waits for the other to begin, the messengers of the avenging nemesis will inexorably draw nearer and nearer, and even the last victim will be needlessly thrown into the maw of the insatiable demon. Therefore every individual must conscious of his responsibility as a member of Christian and Western culture in this last hour defend himself as much as he can, work against the hostage of humanity, against fascism and every system of the absolute state that is similar to it. Put up passive resistance – resist – wherever you are, stop this atheistic war machine from running before it’s too late, before the last cities are a heap of rubble like Cologne, and before the last of the people’s youth bleeds to death somewhere for the hubris of a subhuman is. Do not forget,

From Friedrich Schiller, “The Legislation of Lycurgus and Solon”:
“… Held against its own purpose, Lycurgus’ legislation is a masterpiece of political science and the study of man. He wanted a powerful, self-contained, indestructible state; Political strength and permanence were the ends he strove for, and he attained them as far as his circumstances permitted. But if one compares the purpose which Lycurgus has before himself with the purpose of mankind, a deep disapproval must replace the admiration which the first, fleeting glance has won us. Everything may be sacrificed for the good of the state, except that which the state itself only serves as a means. The state itself is never an end, it is only important as a condition under which the end of humanity can be fulfilled, and this purpose of humanity is none other than the development of all human powers, progress. Does a state constitution prevent all the powers that lie in man from developing; if it hinders the progress of the spirit, then it is reprehensible and harmful, no matter how well thought-out it may be and no matter how perfect it is in its way. Its permanence itself is then much more a reproach than a glory – it is then only a prolonged evil; the longer it lasts, the more harmful it is. no matter how well thought-out it may be and no matter how perfect it is in its own way. Its permanence itself is then much more a reproach than a glory – it is then only a prolonged evil; the longer it lasts, the more harmful it is. no matter how well thought-out it may be and no matter how perfect it is in its own way. Its permanence itself is then much more a reproach than a glory – it is then only a prolonged evil; the longer it lasts, the more harmful it is.

… Political merit was achieved and the ability to do so was developed at the expense of all moral feelings. In Sparta there was no conjugal love, no maternal love, no filial love, no friendship—there was nothing but citizenship, nothing but civic virtue.

. . . A law of the state made inhumanity to their slaves obligatory on the Spartans; in these unfortunate sacrifices humanity was abused and mistreated. In the Spartan code itself the dangerous principle was preached of treating men as means and not ends – thereby lawfully tearing down the foundations of natural law and morality.

… What a more beautiful spectacle is the rough warrior Caius Marcius in his camp before Rome, sacrificing revenge and victory because he cannot see his mother’s tears flowing!”

“… The state (of Lycurgus) could continue only under the one condition that the spirit of the people should stand still; it could therefore only survive by failing to meet the highest and only purpose of a state.”

From Goethe’s “Des Epimenides Erwaken”, second act, fourth scene:

But what boldly climbed out of the abyss,
Can by iron skill
conquer half the world,
To the abyss it must return.
An immense fear is already threatening,
In vain will he resist!
And everyone who is still attached to him,
you must perish with him.

Now I meet my brave,
who gather in the night
to be silent, not to sleep,
and the beautiful word of freedom
is whispered and stammered,
until in unusual novelty
we step up to our temple

Again enraptured it calls:
(With conviction aloud:)
(echoes from all sides and ends:)

We ask you to copy this sheet with as many carbon copies as possible and to distribute it further!


One cannot intellectually deal with National Socialism because it is non-intellectual. It is wrong to speak of a National Socialist world view, because if it existed, one would have to try to prove it with intellectual means or to fight it – reality, however, offers us a completely different picture; this movement depended on the deceit of its fellow human beings from the very beginning, even then it was rotten to the core and could only save itself through constant lies. Hitler himself writes in an early edition of “his” book (a book written in the worst German I have ever read; yet it has been elevated to the status of the Bible by the people of poets and thinkers): “One believes not how to deceive a people in order to govern them. If this cancerous growth of the German people had not made itself too noticeable at the beginning, it was only because good enough forces were still at work to hold it back. But when it got bigger and bigger and finally came to power by means of a last mean corruption, the ulcer as it were burst open and soiled the whole body, the majority of the former opponents hid themselves, the German intelligentsia fled into a cellar hole, to be there as a nightshade plant, the Light and hidden from the sun, gradually suffocating. Now we are at the end. Now it is important to find each other again, to educate from person to person, to always think about it and not to rest until the last one is convinced of the extreme necessity of fighting against this system. When such a wave of turmoil sweeps through the country, when “it’s in the air”: when many join in, then in a last, mighty effort, this system can be shaken off. A terrible end is still better than a horror without end.

It is not given to us to make a final judgment about the meaning of our history. But if this catastrophe is supposed to serve us for salvation, then only by: being cleansed through suffering, longing for the light from the deepest night, pulling ourselves together and finally helping to shake off the yoke that oppresses the world.

We don’t want to write about the Jewish question in this paper, we don’t want to compose a defense speech – no, just as an example we want to briefly mention the fact, the fact that since the conquest of Poland three hundred thousandJews in this country were brutally murdered. Here we see the most dreadful crime against human dignity, a crime unparalleled in all human history. The Jews, too, are human beings – one may position oneself as one likes on the Jewish question – and this was perpetrated on human beings. Perhaps someone will say that the Jews deserved such a fate, that claim would be an enormous presumption; but supposing someone said this, how does he feel about the fact that the entire Polish aristocratic youth has been annihilated (wish God it isn’t yet!)? In what way, they ask did this happen? All male offspring from aristocratic families between the ages of 15 and 20 were taken to concentration camps in Germany for forced labor, and all girls of the same age were taken to the SS brothels in Norway. Why are we telling you all this, since you already know it yourself, if not these, then other equally serious crimes of terrible subhumanity? Because this touches on a question that concerns us all deeply and gives everyone food for thoughtgot to. Why are the German people so apathetic in the face of all these most atrocious, inhumane crimes? Hardly anyone thinks about it. The fact is accepted as such and shelved. And again the German people sleep on in their dull, stupid sleep, giving these fascist criminals courage and opportunity to rage on – and they do it. Should this be a sign that the Germans are brutalized in their most primitive human feelings, that not a chord in them cries out shrill in the face of such deeds, that they have fallen into a deadly sleep from which there will be no awakening, never, never ? It seems so and it certainly is, if the German doesn’t finally wake up from this dullness, if he doesn’t protest, wherever he can against this clique of criminals, if he does not sympathize with these hundreds of thousands of victims. And not only does he have to feel pity, no, much more:complicity . Because through his apathetic behavior he gives these dark people the opportunity to act in this way, he suffers this “government” that has burdened himself with such infinite guilt, yes, it is his own fault that it could come into being at all! Everyone wants to absolve themselves of such complicity, everyone does it and then goes back to sleep with a clear, best conscience. But he can’t acquit himself, everyone is guilty, guilty, guilty! But it is not too late to get rid of this most heinous of all government monstrosities to avoid incurring more guilt. Now that our eyes have been completely opened up to knowing who we are dealing with over the last few years, it is high time to eradicate this brown horde. Until the outbreak of the war, the majority of the German people were blinded, the National Socialists did not show themselves in their true form, but now that they have been recognized, it must be the only and highest duty, even the most sacred duty of every German, this to destroy beasts!

“He whose administration is inconspicuous, the
people are happy. The one whose administration is obtrusive
, the people are broken.
Misery, alas, is what happiness is built upon.
Happiness, alas, only disguises misery.
Where is this going? The end is not in sight.
Order turns into disorder,
good turns into bad.
The people get confused.
Isn’t it like this every day for a long time?
Hence the High Man is square
but does not bump, it is angular
but does not hurt, it is erect
but not craggy. It’s clear
but doesn’t want to shine.”

“Whoever undertakes to rule the kingdom and shape it according to his will; I don’t see him reaching his goal; that’s all”.
“The kingdom is a living organism; it cannot be done, verily! Whoever wants to do something with it spoils it, whoever wants to get hold of it loses it”.
Hence: “Of beings, some precede, others follow, some breathe warm, some breathe cold, some are strong, some weak, some attain fullness, others succumb.”
“The high man therefore refrains from exaggeration, refrains from arrogance, refrains from encroachment”.

We ask that you copy this document with as many carbon copies as possible and distribute it further.


“Public health is the supreme law”.
All ideal forms of government are utopias. A state cannot be constructed purely theoretically; it must grow and mature just like the individual human being. But it should not be forgotten that at the beginning of every culture there was a precursor of the state. The family is as old as the people themselves and from this initial togetherness the rational person has created a state whose foundation should be justice and whose highest law should be the well-being of all. The state should represent an analogy of the divine order, and the highest of all utopias, the civitas Dei, is the model to which it should ultimately approach. We do not want to judge here about the various possible forms of government, democracy, constitutional monarchy, kingship, etc. Only one thing wants to be clearly and unequivocally emphasized: every single person has a right to a usable and just state that ensures the freedom of the individual as well as the well-being of the whole. Because, according to God’s will, man should seek to achieve his natural goal, his earthly happiness, in independence and self-reliance, freely and independently in living together and working together in the state community.

But our current “state” is the dictatorship of evil. “We’ve known that for a long time,” I hear you object, “and we don’t need it to be held up to us again.” But, I ask you, if you know that, why don’t you get upset, why do you tolerate these rulers step by step, openly and in secret, stealing one domain after the other of your rights until one day nothing, absolutely nothing, is left is, as a mechanized state operation, commanded by criminals and drunkards? Has your spirit been so violently violated that you forget that it is not only your right, but your moral dutyis to eliminate this system? But if a man no longer has the strength to demand his rights, then he must perish with absolute necessity. We would deserve to be scattered all over the world like the dust before the wind if we did not pull ourselves together in this twelfth hour and finally found the courage we have lacked since. Do not hide your cowardice under the cloak of prudence! For every day that you hesitate, that you do not resist this monstrosity of hell, your guilt grows higher and higher like a parabolic curve.

Many, perhaps most, readers of these papers are not clear about how to resist. You don’t see any options. We want to try to show them that everyone is capable of contributing to the overthrow of this system. It will not be possible to prepare the ground for the overthrow of this “government” or even to bring about the overthrow as soon as possible through individualistic opposition, in the manner of embittered hermits, but only through the cooperation of many convinced, energetic people, people who agree on the means by which they can achieve their goal. We do not have a rich choice of such means, only one is available to us – passive resistance .

The purpose and goal of passive resistance is to bring down National Socialism, and in this struggle there is no way or action to shy away from, even if they are in areas where they want to be. National Socialism must be attacked wherever it can be attacked. An end must be brought to this state of affairs as soon as possible – a victory for fascist Germany in this war would have unforeseeable, terrible consequences. The first concern for every German should not be the military victory over Bolshevism, but the defeat of the National Socialists. This must be the first priority. We will show you the greater necessity of this last requirement in one of our next pages.

And now every resolute opponent of National Socialism must face the question: How can he fight against the present “state” most effectively, how can he inflict the most sensitive blows on it? Through passive resistance – without a doubt. It is clear that it is impossible for us to give guidelines for the behavior of each individual, we can only indicate in general that everyone must find their own way of achieving this.

Sabotage in armaments and war-related factories, sabotage in all meetings, rallies, festivities, organizations that are organized by the nat.soz. party to be launched. Preventing the smooth running of the war machine (a machine that only works for a war that is solely about saving and preserving the National Socialist Party and its dictatorship). Sabotage in all scientific and intellectual fields that are working for a continuation of the current war – be it in universities, colleges, laboratories, research institutes, technical offices. Sabotage in all events of a cultural nature that could raise the “respect” of the fascists among the people. sabotagein all branches of the fine arts which are even remotely connected with and serve National Socialism. sabotagefight for their ideas, for the spread of the brown lie, in all literature, in all newspapers that are in the pay of the “government”. Don’t sacrifice a penny at street fundraisers (even if they’re done under the guise of charity). Because this is just a camouflage. In reality, the result benefits neither the Red Cross nor those in need. The government does not need this money, does not depend financially on these collections – the printing presses run constantly and produce any amount of paper money. But the people must be constantly kept in tension, the pressure of the curb must never let up! Don’t give anything to the Metal, Textile, and other collections! Seek out all acquaintances, including those from the lower classes, about the pointlessness of continuingto cause passive resistance !

Aristotle “On Politics”: “…Furthermore, it belongs (to the nature of tyranny) to strive so that nothing remains hidden what any subject says or does, but spies everywhere overhear him… furthermore, to stir up all the world and friends together to be at enmity with friends and the people with the nobles and the rich among themselves. Then it belongs to such tyrannical measures to impoverish the subjects so that the bodyguard can be paid, and they, busy with their daily income, have no time and leisure to instigate conspiracies … But also such high income taxes as those imposed at Syracuse, for under Dionysios the citizens of that state had happily spent all their fortunes in taxes in five years. And the tyrant is also apt to stir up constant wars…”

Please duplicate and pass on!


It’s an old adage that’s taught to children over and over again, that if you don’t want to hear, you have to feel. But a clever child will only burn his fingers once on a hot stove.

In the past few weeks Hitler has had successes both in Africa and in Russia. The result was that optimism on the one hand, dismay and pessimism on the other, increased with a speed incomparable to German indolence. Everywhere one heard from the opponents of Hitler, i.e. among the better part of the people, cries of lamentation, words of disappointment and discouragement, which often ended in the exclamation: “Shouldn’t Hitler…?”

Meanwhile the German attack on Egypt has come to a standstill, Rommel has to remain in a dangerously exposed position – but the advance in the east is still going on. This apparent success was bought at the most gruesome sacrifices, so that it can no longer be described as advantageous. We therefore warn against any optimism.

Who counted the dead, Hitler or Goebbels – probably neither of them. Thousands fall every day in Russia. It is harvest time, and the reaper is driving at full speed into the ripe seed. Mourning returns to the huts at home, and there is no one to dry the mother’s tears. But Hitler lies to those whose most precious commodity he has stolen and driven to their senseless death.

Every word that comes out of Hitler’s mouth is a lie: when he says peace, he means war, and when he mentions the name of the Almighty in the most outrageous way, he means the power of evil, the fallen angel, Satan. Its mouth is the stinking maw of hell and its power is basically decreed. To be sure, one must use rational means to wage the fight against the National Socialist state of terror; But anyone who still doubts the real existence of the demonic powers has by far not understood the metaphysical background of this war. Behind the concrete, behind the sensually perceptible, behind all factual, logical considerations, stands the irrational, i. i. the fight against the demon, against the messenger of the Antichrist. Everywhere and at all times the demons have lurked in the dark for the hour because man becomes weak, because he arbitrarily leaves his position in the ordo, which God founded for him on freedom, because he yields to the pressure of evil, detaches himself from the powers of a higher order and so, after having taken the first step voluntarily, to the second and third and ever more driven with a rapidly increasing speed – everywhere and at all times of greatest need people have stood up, prophets, saints, who had kept their freedom, who pointed to the only God and with his help admonished the people to turn back. Man is free, but he is defenseless against evil without the true God, he is like a ship without a rudder, exposed to the storm, like a baby without a mother, like a cloud that dissolves. because he arbitrarily leaves his position in the ordo, which God founded for him on freedom, because he gives in to the pressure of evil, frees himself from the powers of a higher order and so, after he has taken the first step voluntarily, is driven to the second and third and more and more with a rapidly increasing speed – everywhere and at all times of greatest need people stood up, prophets, saints, who had kept their freedom, who pointed to the only God and with his help admonished the people to turn back. Man is free, but he is defenseless against evil without the true God, he is like a ship without a rudder, exposed to the storm, like a baby without a mother, like a cloud that dissolves. because he arbitrarily leaves his position in the ordo, which God founded for him on freedom, because he gives in to the pressure of evil, frees himself from the powers of a higher order and so, after he has taken the first step voluntarily, is driven to the second and third and more and more with a rapidly increasing speed – everywhere and at all times of greatest need people stood up, prophets, saints, who had kept their freedom, who pointed to the only God and with his help admonished the people to turn back. Man is free, but he is defenseless against evil without the true God, he is like a ship without a rudder, exposed to the storm, like a baby without a mother, like a cloud that dissolves. after having taken the first step voluntarily, being driven to the second and third and ever more at a ragingly increasing speed – everywhere and at all times of greatest need people have stood up, prophets, saints, who had preserved their freedom, who pointed to the only God and with his help admonished the people to turn back. Man is free, but he is defenseless against evil without the true God, he is like a ship without a rudder, exposed to the storm, like a baby without a mother, like a cloud that dissolves. after having taken the first step voluntarily, being driven to the second and third and ever more at a ragingly increasing speed – everywhere and at all times of greatest need people have stood up, prophets, saints, who had preserved their freedom, who pointed to the only God and with his help admonished the people to turn back. Man is free, but he is defenseless against evil without the true God, he is like a ship without a rudder, exposed to the storm, like a baby without a mother, like a cloud that dissolves. who pointed to the only God and with his help admonished the people to turn back. Man is free, but he is defenseless against evil without the true God, he is like a ship without a rudder, exposed to the storm, like a baby without a mother, like a cloud that dissolves. who pointed to the only God and with his help admonished the people to turn back. Man is free, but he is defenseless against evil without the true God, he is like a ship without a rudder, exposed to the storm, like a baby without a mother, like a cloud that dissolves.

Is there, I ask you, a Christian, in this struggle to preserve your highest good, is there a hesitation, a game of intrigue, a postponement of the decision in the hope that someone else will take up arms against you To defend? Didn’t God give you the strength and courage to fight? We must attack evil where it is most powerful, and it is most powerful in the power of Hitler.

“I turned and saw all the injustice that was done under the sun; and behold, there were tears of those who were wronged and had no comforter; and those who wronged them were too powerful that they could not have a comforter. So I praised the dead who had already died more than the living who still had life…” (Proverbs)

Novalis: “True anarchy is the generative element of religion. From the annihilation of all that is positive, she lifts her glorious head up as the new founder of the world… If Europe wanted to awaken again, if a state of states, a political science teaching were before us! Should the hierarchy be… the principle of the union of states? …Blood will flow over Europe until the nations become aware of their terrible madness that drives them around in circles, and are struck and soothed by sacred music, step to former altars in a colorful mixture, perform works of peace and celebrate a great festival of peace on the smoking Walstätten is celebrated with hot tears.

We expressly point out that the White Rose is not in the pay of a foreign power. Although we know that National Socialist power must be broken militarily, we are trying to bring about a renewal of the badly wounded German spirit from within. But this rebirth must be preceded by the clear recognition of all the guilt that the German people has shouldered and a ruthless struggle against Hitler and his all too many accomplices, party members, quislings, etc. The gulf between the better part of the people and everything that has to do with National Socialism must be widened with all brutality. For Hitler and his followers there is no punishment on earth that would do justice to their deeds. But out of love for future generations, after the end of the war an example must be made that no one should ever feel the slightest desire to try something similar again. Don’t forget the little villains of this system either, note their names so that no one escapes! Don’t let them change flags at the last minute after all this atrocity and pretend nothing happened!

For your peace of mind we would like to add that the addresses of the readers of the White Rose are not written down anywhere. The addresses are randomly taken from address books.

We won’t keep quiet, we’re your bad conscience, the White Rose won’t let you rest!

Please copy and forward!


Flugblätter der Widerstandsbewegung in Deutschland

Aufruf an alle Deutsche!

Der Krieg geht seinem sicheren Ende entgegen. Wie im Jahre 1918 versucht die deutsche Regierung, alle Aufmerksamkeit auf die wachsende U-Bootgefahr zu lenken, während im Osten die Armeen unaufhörlich zurückströmen, im Westen die Invasion erwartet wird. Die Rüstung Amerikas hat ihren Höhepunkt noch nicht erreicht, aber heute schon übertrifft sie alles in der Geschichte seither Dagewesene. Mit mathematischer Sicherheit führt Hitler das deutsche Volk in den Abgrund. Hitler kann den Krieg nicht gewinnen, nur noch verlängern! Seine und seiner Helfer Schuld hat jedes Maß unendlich überschritten. Die gerechte Strafe rückt näher und näher!

Was aber tut das deutsche Volk? Es sieht nicht und es hört nicht. Blindlings folgt es seinen Verführern ins Verderben. Sieg um jeden Preis, haben sie auf ihre Fahne geschrieben. Ich kämpfe bis zum letzten Mann, sagt Hitler – indes ist der Krieg bereits verloren.

Deutsche! Wollt Ihr und Eure Kinder dasselbe Schicksal erleiden, das den Juden widerfahren ist? Wollt Ihr mit dem gleichen Maße gemessen werden, wie Eure Verführer? Sollen wir auf ewig das von aller Welt gehaßte und ausgestoßene Volk sein? Nein! Darum trennt Euch von dem nationalsozialistischen Untermenschentum! Beweist durch die Tat, daß Ihr anders denkt! Ein neuer Befreiungskrieg bricht an. Der bessere Teil des Volkes kämpft auf unserer Seite. ­Zerreißt den Mantel, der Gleichgültigkeit, den Ihr um Euer Herz gelegt! Entscheidet Euch, eh’ es zu spät ist!

Glaubt nicht der nationalsozialistischen Propaganda, die Euch den Bolschewistenschreck in die Glieder ge­jagt hat! Glaubt nicht, daß Deutschlands Heil mit dem Sieg des Nationalsozialismus auf Gedeih und Verderben verbunden sei! Ein Verbrechertum kann keinen deutschen Sieg erringen. Trennt Euch recht­zeitig von allem, was mit dem Nationalsozialismus zusammenhängt! Nachher wird ein schreckliches, aber gerechtes Gericht kommen über die, so sich feig und unentschlossen verborgen hielten.

Was lehrt uns der Ausgang dieses Krieges, der nie ein nationaler war?

Der imperialistische Machtgedanke muß, von welcher Seite er auch kommen möge, für alle Zeit un­schäd­lich gemacht werden. Ein einseitiger preußischer Militarismus darf nie mehr zur Macht gelangen. Nur in großzügiger Zusammenarbeit der europäischen Völker kann der Boden geschaffen werden, auf welchem ein neuer Aufbau möglich sein wird. Jede zentralistische Gewalt, wie sie der preußische Staat in Deutschland und Europa auszuüben versucht hat, muß im Keime erstickt werden. Das kommende Deutschland kann nur föderalistisch sein. Nur eine gesunde föderalistische Staatenordnung vermag heute noch das ge­schwächte Europa mit neuem Leben zu erfüllen. Die Arbeiterschaft muß durch einen vernünftigen Sozialismus aus ihrem Zustand niedrigster Sklaverei befreit werden. Das Truggebilde der autarken Wirtschaft muß in Europa verschwinden. Jedes Volk, jeder einzelne hat ein Recht auf die Güter der Welt!

Freiheit der Rede, Freiheit des Bekenntnisses, Schutz des einzelnen Bürgers vor der Willkür verbrecherischer Gewaltstaaten, das sind die Grundlagen des neuen Europa.

Unterstützt die Widerstandsbewegung, verbreitet die Flugblätter!


fellow students! fellow students!

Our people stand in shock at the demise of the men of Stalingrad. The ingenious strategy of the World War II corporal drove 330,000 German men senselessly and irresponsibly to death and ruin. Guide, thank you!

It’s fermenting in the German people: do we want to continue entrusting the fate of our armies to a dilettante? Do we want to sacrifice the rest of German youth to the low instincts for power of a party clique? nevermore.

The day of reckoning has come , the reckoning of our German youth with the most despicable tyranny our people have ever endured. In the name of all German youth, we demand from the state of Adolf Hitler personal freedom, the most precious asset of the Germans, of which he cheated us in the most pathetic way.

We grew up in a state of ruthless gagging on all freedom of expression. HJ, SA, SS tried to uniform, to revolutionize, to anesthetize us in the most fruitful educational years of our lives. The contemptible method of suffocating the burgeoning self-thinking and self-esteem in a fog of empty phrases was called “ideological training”. A selection of leaders that could not be imagined more diabolical and narrow-minded at the same time is training their future party bigwigs to be godless, shameless and unscrupulous exploiters and murderers, blind, stupid followers of the leaders. We “workers of the spirit” would be just right to make the bludgeoning stick to this new class of masters. Front fighters are reprimanded by student leaders and Gauleiter aspirants like schoolboys,At the Munich University, German female students gave a worthy answer to the defilement of their honor , German students stood up for their female comrades and stood their ground. This is a start in fighting for our free self-determination, without which spiritual values ​​cannot be created. Our thanks go to the brave comrades who set a shining example!

There is only one slogan for us: fight against the party! Get out of the party organizations in which they want to keep us politically muzzled! Get out of the lecture halls of the SS, Unter- or Oberfuhrer and Party creeps! It’s about true science and real freedom of thought! No threat can frighten us, not even the closure of our universities. It is up to each and every one of us to fight for our future, our freedom and honor in a state that is aware of its moral responsibility.

freedom and honor! For ten long years Hitler and his comrades squeezed, hackneyed and twisted the two glorious German words to the point of disgust, as only dilettantes who throw the highest values ​​of a nation before pigs can do. In ten years of destruction of all material and intellectual freedom, of all moral substance in the German people, they have sufficiently shown what they value as freedom and honor. Even the most stupid Germans have had their eyes opened by the terrible bloodbath that they have caused all over Europe in the name of freedom and honor of the German nation and are doing it anew every day. The German name will remain desecrated forever if the German youth does not finally stand up, avenge and atone at the same time, crush their tormentors and set up a new, spiritual Europe.Female students! Students! The German people look to us! It expects from us, as in 1813 the breaking of the Napoleonic terror, so in 1943 the breaking of the National Socialist terror from the power of the spirit.

Berezina and Stalingrad flare up in the east, the dead of Stalingrad summon us!

“Fresh up, my people, smoke the flaming signs!”

Our people are on the move against the enslavement of Europe by National Socialism, in the new believing breakthrough of freedom and honor!

This was translated from https://www.weisse-rose-stiftung.de/white-rose-resistance-group/leaflets-of-the-white-rose/

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