The EWTN and Arcadia Films production of A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing is a timely and compelling—yet sometimes convoluted—documentary about Saul Alinsky specifically and the cultural Marxism generally that has wrecked havoc on Western Civilization in the last 50 years.
Juxtaposing live action quotes from Alinsky and several prominent 20th century Catholics including Saint John Paul II, Fulton Sheen, Pope Leo XIII, and others, the film shows how diametrically opposed his radical philosophy was to Church teaching. The viewer sees how Alinsky evolved from his orthodox Jewish upbringing to his formation in the Chicago mob to his Machiavellian community organizing days.
We’ve seen this all before, from Brietbart’s Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World! to D’Souza’s Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
. Wolf, however, delves into the infiltration of Alinsky and his minions of the Catholic Church in a frightening, yet unconvincing warning.
The film gets infinitely more compelling after Alinsky’s death, when they describe the three types of cultural Marxists (Frankfurt, Gramsci, and Fabian schools focused on the sexual, religious, and economic systems of Western Civilization respectively) and their impact compared to prophecies of end times within the Church. Our Lady of Fatima warned that if Russia was not consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the country “will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated.” The documentary implies that cultural Marxism is the result.
After an intense climax, the filmmakers offer a slightly cheesy olive branch, explaining that we shouldn’t hate Saul Alinsky and the devastation he’s created, but rather look to our common care for the poor. While Alinsky’s methods were evil, his overall goal was not. I disagree with this conclusion as it appears Alinsky didn’t really care about the poor but rather used their plight as a tool to garner more power.
This is a compelling and informative film with flaws. If it had a cleaner narrative, it could be even more convincing. Still, people need to understand this insidious attack on the Church from cultural Marxists. With recent revelations of these Marxists in increasingly powerful positions (eg Hillary’s Campaign Chief Podesta) doing everything they can to undermine the truth and the Church herself, lay Catholics must be vigilant and stay informed.
You can stream the film online at