An article made the rounds recently touting science fiction author Patrick S. Tomlinson’s hypothetical about a 1,000 embryos versus an infant as an irrefutable justification of abortion. Tomlinson said that he asks pro-lifers whether it makes more sense to save… Continue Reading →
When I read Kafka’s The Castle, I was confused and utterly demoralized. Blythe readers may feel the same thing about 2/5ths of the way through. You’re in a surreal alternative world with typical American teens who become trapped in a… Continue Reading →
In a recent memo to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Pope Francis declared war on libertarians, stating, “I cannot fail to speak of the grave risks associated with the invasion of the positions of libertarian individualism at high strata… Continue Reading →
In the illustrious history of cherry-picking quotes from Pope Francis to suit political purposes, rarely has it been done in support of libertarian ideas. But as the author of Everyone Agrees, which asserts that everyone really agrees despite seeming incongruities… Continue Reading →
It never ceases to amaze me when I hear hardcore libertarians suddenly turn statist when religion is involved. Yeah, a business should be free of any untoward regulation, they’ll say, except for wedding cake bakers, they should be forced to… Continue Reading →
At a gathering of liberty-minded young professionals the other night, someone asked if there was a way to unify all libertarians. The joking answer was, “Don’t bring up abortion.” Libertarians—more than any group of people—can find common ground on just… Continue Reading →
Barack Obama recently said that pro-lifers want to return to the 1950s. He makes this claim as if everything now is better than it was in the ’50s and it’s clear that no one should want that. There are two… Continue Reading →
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