My poetry may still be private, meant for the eyes of my friends in their happiness or sadness, and specially for my muses in my shortsighted infatuations, but they intend to become a testament to my life and my emotions.
This was created on the MidJourney AI engine, which is producing some amazing stuff. They still have issues with fingers (lots of 6- and 7-fingered hands) and some of the symbolism gets lost (like the sacred heart) but the faces… Continue Reading →
You can tell it’s a communist last supper because there’s plenty of theory and no food.
Probably the only new calendar feast that’s an improvement over the traditional calendar (Feast of the Circumcision of Jesus).
Our publisher has released “The Christmas Santa Never Came,” an illustrated children’s book with the aim of keeping Christ in Christmas:
Washington DC police arrested two prolife activists for chalking “Black Preborn Lives Matter” on the sidewalk in front of a Planned Parenthood. From the video, one officer said the charge was “defacing property” even though it was chalk and on… Continue Reading →
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