The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Apocalyptic Couple Thoughts

Why Do We Can So Much?

Barely sarcasm.


Disney Comes Out as Groomer Inc Following Opposition to Florida Parental Rights Bill

The Republican-dominated Florida legislature passed a bill on Tuesday which would forbid the sexualization of children from kindergarten through third grade, rejecting a wave of criticism from Democrats that it marginalizes LGBTQ+ people, calling it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The bill… Continue Reading →

There, I Fixed It For Ya, Ya Groomer

Not “messing with trans kids” according to these groomers is literally messing with them. Don’t mess with kids. Period.

Glenn Beck’s the Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st-Century Fascism

The Great Reset is not just an elitist idea — it’s not even a socialist utopian concept. It’s a real-world fascist threat to every American from Wall Street to Main Street. It’s happening now in policies and cultural shifts big… Continue Reading →

Mommy, What’s Hypocrisy?

Mass Formation Psychosis and Medical Tyranny

A doctor recently posted a perfect example of the covidiocy we have been submerged in: He is COVID-positive but can continue working because he is fully vaccinated even though they fired COVID-negative healthcare workers who weren’t vaccinated. If you ever… Continue Reading →

Former KGB Agent Foretold Current Leftist Destabilization and Disinformation in 1984

In 1984, G. Edward Griffin interviewed former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov, who foretold of the current campaign of Leftists to demoralize and destabilize the United States of America. He also explains the psychological warfare of communists He talks about his… Continue Reading →

The greatest feat of Marxism has been to convince some of the most privileged people in the history of the world that they are oppressed by words

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