The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



“Once [you] abolish God, the Government becomes God. Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world.” -GK Chesterton

Good Times Lead to Socialists; Socialists Lead to Bad Times

Great version of the classic Hard times create strong men; Strong men create good times; Good times create weak men; Weak men create hard times: Here’s a good version combined with the political compass:

Truth Sounds Like Hate to Those Who Hate Truth

Identity Crisis

TnT: Distributism is Anti-Catholic

The Dr. Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon podcast recently explored the economic and theologic legitimacy of distributism with Dr. Jay Richards. The three bring up some majors flaws with the system and conclude that it is just another form of… Continue Reading →

Can Kanye Make Christianity Cool?

Scott Ott brings up an interesting point during Bill Whittle’s Right Angle podcast answering the question can Kanye make Christianity cool? His response is that, “Christianity was not made to be cool.” And that’s exactly right. Coolness isn’t synonymous with… Continue Reading →

Why Every Home Needs Incense

There are only two good forms of smoke in the world: pit barbeque smoke and liturgical incense. If you can manage a Sunday with both, you’re doing A-Okay in my book. If you are like most Catholics in the US,… Continue Reading →

No to Racism

BREAKING: Amazon Synod Pagan Idols Taken from Vatican and Flung into the Tiber

Pachamama has been sent packing! Controversial Pachamama idols, central to an idol worship ceremony that desacrated the Vatican during the Amazon Synod have been removed from a church and thrown back to nature in the Tiber River: Caption on the… Continue Reading →

When you have sex and make a baby…

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