The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



The Inquisition: State Governments and the Pursuit of Religious Orthodoxy

The Inquisition, a term that conjures images of religious persecution and intolerance, was a complex institution that spanned centuries and continents. Often associated with the Catholic Church, the Inquisition was not chiefly the work of ecclesiastical authorities. State governments played… Continue Reading →

Moses Gadsden Flag

Félixberto Javier came up with the idea of the Moses Gadsden flag in response to the St. Michael Gadsden flag that conflated the rattlesnake and the Devil as if not wanting to be harmed is evil: This one is a… Continue Reading →

Madness, Geniality & Poetry

My poetry may still be private, meant for the eyes of my friends in their happiness or sadness, and specially for my muses in my shortsighted infatuations, but they intend to become a testament to my life and my emotions. 

I Just Want to Read Some Books to your Chickens

Chesterton: ‘Wherever there is Animal worship, there is Human Sacrifice’

Woke Leftists v Biology

‘Religion is a Plague on the Earth’ Starter Kit

“The Church is Anti-Science!”

The Catholic Church has a long and storied history of supporting scientific discovery and innovation. From the early days of the Church to the modern era, Catholic scholars, scientists, and theologians have made significant contributions to our understanding of the… Continue Reading →

Children are More Likely to be Sexually Abused by Public School Teachers than Catholic Priests

Child abuse is a deeply distressing issue that must be confronted and addressed in all its forms and settings. While any form of child abuse is abhorrent and demands attention, it is essential to critically examine the available data to… Continue Reading →

I Made This: Church, Civilization, Commies

This is a meme; it’s not a doctoral thesis. Clearly civilization existed before the Church but when a clockmaker makes a clock does he do it out of thin air? The Church didn’t make civilization out of thin air but… Continue Reading →

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