The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Is It Capitalism?

Christ Told Us to Help the Needy, Not Give to Caesar to do it for us

Augustine’s Two Cities

In the wake of the Vandals’ sack of Rome, St. Augustine authored City of God, a seminal work delineating his two-cities doctrine. This doctrine separates the earthly city from the City of God, reflecting a profound understanding of the interplay… Continue Reading →

Can You be a Libertarian and a Catholic? JSB Morse on the The Kelly Patrick Show

TLC Founder and Contributor JSB Morse explores if it’s possible to be a libertarian and a Catholic on The Kelly Patrick show:

BREAKING: Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar Announces Surprise Resignation Following Failed Woke Reforms

Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has announced his resignation, in a surprise move. Speaking to journalists outside government buildings in Dublin on Wednesday, Varadkar said he would resign as soon as his successor could take up office. The resignation follows… Continue Reading →

The Cloward-Piven Strategy for Ushering in Communism into the United States

The Cloward-Piven strategy, proposed by sociologists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven in the 1960s, is a political strategy aimed at overloading the welfare system to the point of collapse. The idea behind this strategy is to create chaos and… Continue Reading →

Cardinal Burke Calls for Return to Our Lady Amidst Global Crises

In a call to spiritual renewal amidst the numerous crises facing the world today, Cardinal Raymond Burke has launched a nine-month novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The novena, which will begin on March 12th and end on the Feast… Continue Reading →

Were the Early Christians Socialist?

Many people erroneously think that the first Christians were socialist in a modern sense based on their interpretation of Acts 4:32-37. These verses describe how the believers in the early Church shared everything they had, and no one claimed that… Continue Reading →

Economic Salinity: Navigating Economic Systems Through Water Analogies

In the discourse on economic systems, two common misconceptions often arise: the oversimplified belief that systems are rigidly either 100% capitalist or 100% socialist, and the erroneous idea that there exists a distinct third option between these extremes. In reality,… Continue Reading →

Karl Marx: ‘My Object in Life is to Dethrone God and Destroy Capitalism.’

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