The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Caesar Worship is the Default State of Mind

At the Federalist, I attempted to make the case that Christianity is so wound up in our socio-cultural experience its morality–as portrayed in the Ten Commandments–has shaped our minds in a similar way that language does. I also try to… Continue Reading →

Taxation is Exploitation

You’ve heard a lot about of capitalist business owners’ exploitation of their workers. There may be validity there. What’s undeniable and also conveniently ignored, however, is the blatant exploitation of the taxpayer by government. Government is is one big corporation… Continue Reading →

One Can be a Good Catholic without Being a Libertarian, but Cannot be a Good Libertarian without Being a Good Catholic

I’m Mike, and I’m a libertarian Catholic. My path has been a long and winding one, with many stops along the way, but as my faith has deepened and the times have changed this two word phrase has best defined… Continue Reading →

Woke Millennials Would Rather Everyone Starve Than Suffer Income Inequality

Granted these sheltered millennials probably don’t understand the severity of the situation in Venezuela, but it’s clear they would rather risk it in favor of the socialist ideals they hold to than to endure more of the evil American “income… Continue Reading →

Take Down This Monument to Slavery!

Pope Francis Has Forgotten the Church’s Own Grand Libertarian Legacy

Pope Francis Has Forgotten the Church’s Own Grand Libertarian Legacy Well, it’s a pretty big deal when the Pope attacks libertarianism by name. It’s even more interesting when my Spanish-language publisher believes that the Pope, in an academic paper, was… Continue Reading →

Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

Here is the message that the Holy Father Francisco has sent to the participants in the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences on Towards a Participatory Society: New Roads to Social and Cultural Integration (Casina Pio IV,… Continue Reading →

What Pope Francis Gets Horribly Wrong About Libertarianism

In a recent memo to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Pope Francis declared war on libertarians, stating, “I cannot fail to speak of the grave risks associated with the invasion of the positions of libertarian individualism at high strata… Continue Reading →

Omobono Is a Thing!

Omobono (formerly CatholicX) is now a thing! If you’re looking for a Catholic Craigslist, a Catholic Facebook, or even a Catholic Patreon, you’ve found it!  

Why I’m a Catholic Libertarian by Tom Woods

It’s not always easy these days to tell which of our two major political parties is the Stupid Party and which the Evil Party. But it remains true, as a conservative wag once said, that from time to time the… Continue Reading →

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