The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



18-Year-Old Man Then and Now

Transgender People Want You to Accept Them As They Are But Didn’t Accept Themselves As They Were

Know Thy Enemy: The Frankfurt School

If you’re going to win a war for hearts and minds, it’s important to know who you’re fighting. In the case of the war over Western Civilization, the enemy is the Frankfurt School, which with its poisonous fruits of political… Continue Reading →

Femininity Versus Feminism

Summa of the Pro-Life Position

Most people accept that there are strong religious arguments against abortion but those aren’t convincing for some people in those religions, let alone irreligious people. Therefore, we present the most definitive argument for the pro-life position using science, logic, and… Continue Reading →

How to Win the Culture War by Peter Kreeft

In a great talk by the incomparable Peter Kreeft, he uses the voice of CS Lewis’s Screwtape to provide commentary on the current culture war. What ensues is brilliant (and often libertarian) Catholicism. Enjoy:  

Hillary’s War on Catholicism

If there was any doubt of Hillary Clinton’s disdain for the Catholic Church, recent revelations brought to us from Wikileaks should summarily dismiss it. Hillary’s campaign director is Catholic John Podesta, who helped start Catholics in Alliance for the Common… Continue Reading →

Two Videos on Sex that Every Catholic Should Watch

The Economics of Sex takes a fascinating look into sexual relations as a result of widespread contraception use: The Third Way is a compassionate look into the Church’s stance on same-sex attraction. Also, if you’re looking for a more in… Continue Reading →

The Misogyny of Feminism

When Taylor Swift recently declared herself to be a feminist, she said it was in part because she realized that FeminismĀ isn’t necessarily anti-men. It is unknown whether she realized that it is in fact anti-women. I have watched with great… Continue Reading →

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