The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Hebrew Midwives’ Civil Disobedience

Leo XIII: Almsgiving is a duty, not of justice, but of Christian charity–a duty not enforced by human law.

Abortion is the New Slavery

Jacob Hornberger: A New Hope

Not Extortion is Extortion in the Twisted Mind of Impeachment Democrats

There are many laughable aspects to the Adam Schiff impeachment circus including the utter lack of substantial evidence. But what’s not funny is the basis for impeachment, which is a complete bastardization of one of the foundational principles of Western… Continue Reading →

Can Kanye Make Christianity Cool?

Scott Ott brings up an interesting point during Bill Whittle’s Right Angle podcast answering the question can Kanye make Christianity cool? His response is that, “Christianity was not made to be cool.” And that’s exactly right. Coolness isn’t synonymous with… Continue Reading →

BREAKING: Amazon Synod Pagan Idols Taken from Vatican and Flung into the Tiber

Pachamama has been sent packing! Controversial Pachamama idols, central to an idol worship ceremony that desacrated the Vatican during the Amazon Synod have been removed from a church and thrown back to nature in the Tiber River: Caption on the… Continue Reading →

Elizabeth Warren Wants to Kill Poor People

St. John Henry Newman: Nothing great or living can be done except where men are self-governed and independent

The “Pro Libertatem” Endeavour of Catholic Tradition

The topic of the 21st Alfonso Carlos I Forum in Madrid was feminism, but by the end of the conference, I was convinced we are witnessing a larger, more threatening evil in society. There is a concerted effort to replace… Continue Reading →

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