The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Spanish Socialists Try to Ban Praying the Rosary; Catholics Respond with More Prayer

This Monday, following orders from the government delegate in Madrid, the socialist Francisco Martín Aguirre, the Police threatened to fine a group of Catholics for praying on the stairs of a church on Ferraz street, near the national headquarters of the Socialist Party… Continue Reading →

BREAKING: Libertarian Catholic Javier Milei Wins Argentinian Presidential Election

Argentinians have elected as their next president Javier Milei, a self-described anarcho-capitalist. Partial election results showed Milei had 55.8% and Massa 44.2%, with 95% of the votes tallies. Should that margin hold, it would be wider than predicted by all… Continue Reading →

Acton & Byron in Vienna

If power corrupts, and absolute power corrupt absolutely, then what happens with passion? Does passion also corrupts, and absolute passion would also corrupt absolutely? Or can passion be a different kind of drive, one that creates a sense of trust and direction towards higher ideals?

Love, Lost & Found in Transition

Even in such crucibles, even in periods of transition, when we get to choose between greatness and stillness like the ones I now struggle with, there seems to be a single thing that remains untainted by instability and the mortal edge of history: love.

FA Hayek on Coercion

Did They Really Abolish Slavery?

Show Me On This Doll Where the Non-Aggression Principle Hurt You

The Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) is a foundational concept in libertarian philosophy and ethics. It serves as a guiding principle for interactions between individuals and as a basis for defining the limits of justifiable force and coercion in society. The NAP… Continue Reading →

Freedom Consists not in Doing what we Like but in Having the Right to do what we Ought

JPII with a hat tip to Lord Acton

The Christian Bible and the Abolition of Slavery: A Powerful Catalyst for Change

The abolition of slavery stands as a significant milestone in human history, representing the triumph of justice and human rights. While various factors contributed to this momentous shift, one influential force that played a pivotal role was the Christian Bible…. Continue Reading →

Augustine: ‘It was Pride that Changed Angels into Devils; It is Humility that Makes Men as Angels.’

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