The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



When you’re quick to say the wrong thing and slow to rectify the situation, no on will trust you. – David L. Gray

After the Covington Catholic/Nathan Phillips incident was blown out of context and proportion, the Disocese of Covington responded by condemning the Covington Catholic boys. The original statement by the diocese has been removed, but the Internet Archive remains, showing the… Continue Reading →

You can’t separate church and state if the state is your church.

Nick Sandmann’s statement on the Covington Catholic Nathan Phillips incident

I am providing this factual account of what happened on Friday afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial to correct misinformation and outright lies being spread about my family and me. I am the student in the video who was confronted by… Continue Reading →

MAGA Kids Menacing Native Americans

Nancy Pelosi Will Cut Your Head Off. I Know.

Ben Shapiro at March for Life 2019: Righteousness doesn’t have to be popular it just has to be righteous.

America’s story is an incredible story of a shining ideal pursued over the centuries extended to the full range and scope of humanity. America was founded on the promise of God-given rights, chief among them, the right to life and… Continue Reading →

They Don’t Want Statist Indoctrination So They Must’ve Been Infiltrated By Russia!

If liberals are morally superior, why do they need a 3rd-party government to help others?

People Aren’t Becoming Less Religious. They’re Replacing God with the State

h/t Liberty Memes

Gillette’s Toxic Masculinity Isn’t Masculinity

Gillette has recently released a commercial targeting toxic masculinity, which has caused an uproar on the Internet and convinced men to ditch their Gillette blades in favor of an alternative. In the ad, a man is seen “mansplaining” in an… Continue Reading →

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