The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Fr. Spitzer on Natural Rights, Morality, and Law

In this remarkable interview, Father Robert Spitzer S.J. of the Magis Center, who has written numerous books on the cross section of faith, morality, reason, and science, dives into natural rights, law, and the Scholastic tradition, which, working on biblical… Continue Reading →

It’s Almost as if You Don’t Matter Until You Can Write a Law…

Broward County Sheriff: What is it You Say that You Do Here?

Who’s Going to Confiscate AR-15s if They’re Too Dangerous for Law Enforcement?

Blame For Stoneman Douglas Shooting

St. Augustine: “What are kingdoms but great robberies?”

City of God Book IV Chapter 4: Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies? For what are robberies themselves, but little kingdoms? The band itself is made up of men; it is ruled by the authority… Continue Reading →

Play Nihilistic Games; Win Nihilistic Prizes

Patrick Coffin Tries to Convert Jordan B. Peterson

In a great interview, Catholic apologist Patrick Coffin visits with Jordan B. Peterson and discusses religion and perhaps more than any interview, Catholicism. Great exchange:

Stay Woke My Friends

Is It Against Facebook Policy to be Pro-Life?

One of our admins was recently thrown in Facebook jail for allegedly violating Facebook policy. The offending post was a meme posted to The Libertarian Catholic from a follower in a comment on another meme. Our admin then shared that… Continue Reading →

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