The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



The Catholic Church: Builder of Civilization

Watch libertarian Catholic Dr. Tom Woods as he explores the rich history of the Catholic faith in its integral role in civilization:

But Without Government Who Will Take Care of the Poor!?!

The State Must Not Absorb the Individual or the Family – Pope Leo XIII

Oh, You Think Catholics Can’t Be Libertarians? You Must Know a Bunch of Saintly Politicians

Getting Fatter While Your Country Starves to Death: Priceless

The Top 5 Libertarian Catholic Countries In the World

Countries known for their Catholicism aren’t always known for their libertarianism. Libertarianism tends to be associated with majority protestant nations (mainly due to the influence of the United Kingdom) more than anything. But there are certainly some liberty-loving Catholic countries… Continue Reading →


Jordan Peterson in his lecture “Introduction to the idea of God” describes Nietzsche’s view on the medieval Europe in the following way: “Nietzsche said that he did not believe that the scientific revolution would have ever got off the ground… Continue Reading →

The Non-Aggressive Church

This year marked the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, the largest schism in Church history. Of course, in the seemingly, nominally important date of 2017, there was much talk among prominent church members, on both sides of the doctrinal divide,… Continue Reading →

Did You Just Assume That I Could Afford Ramen?

Catholics Cannot Be Libertarians

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