Saint Louis IX, also known as Louis the Saint, is a figure whose life and legacy continue to inspire admiration and reverence. Born on April 25, 1214, he ascended to the throne of France at the young age of 12… Continue Reading →
“The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s… Continue Reading →
House Democrats posed an absurd claim Wednesday in opposition to the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, claiming that requiring a newborn baby to be taken to the hospital somehow “endangers” the child’s life. “The problem with this bill is… Continue Reading →
In Catholic social teaching, the principle of subsidiarity holds a prominent place as a guiding principle for social and political organization. Rooted in the dignity of the human person and the belief in the importance of community, subsidiarity emphasizes the… Continue Reading →
We are conservatives because we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres as the living tissue of society, we see these little platoons, these intermediate bodies, these sovereign spheres, in which the virtues to sustain civilization are promoted and taught in each generation, building traditions based on moral principles and institutions that are meant to preserve the historical common good for future generations. We are also classical, for we firmly believe that there are different spheres of class to which each individual person belongs, fulfilling different roles and exercising different rights in each; a set of mutually inclusive allegiances that allow the free development of the best in our nature, both individually and socially.
In an interview with the Jesuit America Magazine, Pope Francis made the case that Our Lord was a communist: “If I see the Gospel in a sociological way only, yes, I am a communist, and so too is Jesus.” He… Continue Reading →
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