The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



This is why you don’t give the state the authority to execute prisoners

TV and Weed Is the New Plato’s Cave

Women’s “Progress”

I’m none of those. I’m a Catholic.

You had one job.

Ben Shapiro at March for Life 2019: Righteousness doesn’t have to be popular it just has to be righteous.

America’s story is an incredible story of a shining ideal pursued over the centuries extended to the full range and scope of humanity. America was founded on the promise of God-given rights, chief among them, the right to life and… Continue Reading →

MISSING: Ambitious Young People Looking to Shovel Snow for Money

The Nazis Wanted to Know if JRR Tolkien Was Aryan; Tolkien Wasn’t Having Any of That

In 1938, English author and champion libertarian Catholic J. R. R. Tolkien and his British publisher, Stanley Unwin, opened talks with Rütten & Loening, a Berlin-based publishing house, about a German translation of his recently-published hit novel, “The Hobbit.” They… Continue Reading →

APA: Traditional Masculinity is Harmful

The American Psychological Association (APA) has released guidelines for Guidelines for the Psychological Practice with Boys and Men for the fist time ever. “The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity—marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression—is,… Continue Reading →

Democratic Socialists Ignore Democratic Socialist Venezuela

Another take:

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