The Dr. Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon podcast recently explored the economic and theologic legitimacy of distributism with Dr. Jay Richards. The three bring up some majors flaws with the system and conclude that it is just another form of… Continue Reading →
Pachamama has been sent packing! Controversial Pachamama idols, central to an idol worship ceremony that desacrated the Vatican during the Amazon Synod have been removed from a church and thrown back to nature in the Tiber River: Caption on the… Continue Reading →
Pope Francis has desecrated the Vatican by sponsoring pagan idol worship as part of the Amazon Synod. Long in favor of the climate cult, Pope Francis appears to be abdicating the Church to it. Vatican News reported euphemistically: “During a unique… Continue Reading →
A Dutch teenager who suffered from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and anorexia after being raped as a child was allowed to die at her home, her sister confirmed on Sunday. The first two incidents were molestations when she attended children’s… Continue Reading →
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas concurred with the court to decline hearing the case contesting Indiana’s abortion law. But that wasn’t all. In his 20-page argument, Thomas called out the eugenicist foundations and motivations behind the pro-choice movement: And significantly,… Continue Reading →
Dennis Prager interviews Jordan Peterson for the PragerU Summit and it got real very quick: Peterson drops some metaphysical gems about good and evil and the innate station of man. He also gives props to Catholicism, saying, “That’s as sane… Continue Reading →
VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis said Saturday that abortion can never be condoned, even when the fetus is gravely sick or likely to die, and urged doctors and priests to support families to carry such pregnancies to term. Speaking to a Vatican… Continue Reading →
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