The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Why This Youtube Star Is Converting to Catholicism

Lizzie Estella Reezay is a Youtube star who talks about “relationship advice, sharing my faith, college advice, life stories, and anything else that makes me happy”. She has a motif of a dedicated search for truth and that has led… Continue Reading →

Jordan B. Peterson and Ben Shapiro Show The Universe How to Dialogue on the Rubin Report

Two of the most well-spoken advocates for freedom and responsibility take the stage on one of the best free thinking forums today. The individual versus the state, religion, gender politics, and the art of the conversation. This needs to happen… Continue Reading →

Professor Never Expected to See This Powerful Animation From a Gender Equality Assignment

A Polish university class was given a task to create an animation on one of the following topics: Women’s rights Gender equality A music video about gender equality One student, Jakub Dudek created the following video. It wasn’t received well…. Continue Reading →

Lew Rockwell Talks Catholic Libertarianism with Randy England

Lew Rockwell speaks with former prosecutor and renowned libertarian Catholic Randy England in this enlightening podcast. Many issues are reflected in the Summa of the Libertarian Catholic: Randy’s book, Free is Beautiful can be found in our bookstore.

The Catholic Church: Builder of Civilization

Watch libertarian Catholic Dr. Tom Woods as he explores the rich history of the Catholic faith in its integral role in civilization:


Jordan Peterson in his lecture “Introduction to the idea of God” describes Nietzsche’s view on the medieval Europe in the following way: “Nietzsche said that he did not believe that the scientific revolution would have ever got off the ground… Continue Reading →

Ricky Gervais’s Fallacies On Religion

In a documentary called “The Unbelievers,” atheist comedian Ricky Gervais lays out his philosophy about religion. In what many atheists claim is an intellectual dismantling of religion, he makes many fallacies and one massive outright contradiction. “Indoctrination” His first point… Continue Reading →

Daniel Hannan Utterly Dismantles Socialism in 15 Minutes

Daniel Hannan is perhaps one of the best proponents of liberty in the world—his philosophy as strong as his rhetoric precise. This 15 minutes of a debate is worth more than most college educations today:

Woke Millennials Would Rather Everyone Starve Than Suffer Income Inequality

Granted these sheltered millennials probably don’t understand the severity of the situation in Venezuela, but it’s clear they would rather risk it in favor of the socialist ideals they hold to than to endure more of the evil American “income… Continue Reading →

Larry Elder Talks Racism, Poverty, and Libertarianism

Larry Elder explains how the War on Poverty turned into the War on the Family and has decimated the black community in another great Rubin Report:

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