A doctor recently posted a perfect example of the covidiocy we have been submerged in: He is COVID-positive but can continue working because he is fully vaccinated even though they fired COVID-negative healthcare workers who weren’t vaccinated.

If you ever wondered how so many people can go along with such lunacy, several brilliant people have explained a phenomenon recently called mass formation, which explains our situation perfectly.
Mass Formation Psychosis
Dr. Robert Malone’s interview with Joe Rogan alerted millions to the psychological phenomenon:
In the interview, Malone asked, “What the heck happened in Germany in the ’20s and ’30s? Very intelligent, highly-educated population and they went barking mad. How did that happen? The answer is mass formation psychosis.”
Malone continued, “When you have a society that is de-coupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety and a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it.
“And then, their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.
“And one of the aspects of that phenomenon is the people who they identify as their leaders, the ones that typically come in and say, “You have this pain and I can solve it for you – I and I, alone – can fix this problem for you.
“Then, they will follow that person. It doesn’t matter whether they lied to him or whatever. The data are irrelevant.
“And furthermore, anyone who questions that narrative is to be immediately attacked. They are the other. This is central to mass formation psychosis.”
Lesson From the Holocaust
I first heard about mass formation from a pediatric nurse practitioner and developmental behavioral specialist Anthony Luczak in his testimony to the Louisiana state legislature during the hearing on COVID vaccines for children:
In the video, Luczak touches on the mental health crisis that predated COVID—people did not have deep meaning in their lives.
“When people don’t have a sense of meaning and are isolated, the result that follows is an anxiety that creates a lot of pent up energy—an anxiety without an object…When a massive media campaign directs the population to a specific thing to be afraid of and gives them rituals to perform, that is a mass formation.”
Broad Societal Diagnosis
Professor Mattias Desmet out of Belgium was at the forefront of this assessment:
Desmet says that there are conditions for this mass formation:
- Lack of social bond or connectedness with other people
- Lack of meaning in one’s life
- High levels of free-floating anxiety
The West clearly had all of these conditions and it could be argued that they were put in place for a reason.
In another video that went viral recently, former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explained the stages communists used to take over entire civilizations:
1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization
Decades of demoralization and destabilization has led to conditions which allow for the mass formation through the COVID crisis.
Fight Demoralization with Faith
The most effective way to resist the demoralization and reject the mass formation is to keep your moral foundation in Christ. This is why communist regimes always target the faith first and foremost. If a populace is rooted in Truth, they will be much more resistant to this type of programming.