The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



There’s no such thing as a “safe” abortion

Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon Talk Politics and the Church

Why do close to 50% of USA Catholics vote Democrat even though 100% of Democratic candidates for major offices are pro-choice? Dr Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon analyze the numbers and also look at how the USCCB (United States Conference… Continue Reading →

Cardinal Dolan: Excommunication Not “Appropriate” Response to NY Abortion Lawmakers

Archbishop of New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan responded to calls for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s excommunication for his role in enshrining a “fundamental right” to virtually-unlimited abortion in the state, saying via a spokesperson that excommunication is “not an… Continue Reading →

When liberation costs innocent lives, it’s merely oppression redistributed

Late Term Abortion: You’re Delivering a Baby Anyway, Why Kill Her Before?

I Heartbreak NY

New York: Illegal to Use Lethal Injection on Criminals, Just Innocent Babies

I wish people like you would stop saying that people like me would be better off dead

Nancy Pelosi Will Cut Your Head Off. I Know.

Ben Shapiro at March for Life 2019: Righteousness doesn’t have to be popular it just has to be righteous.

America’s story is an incredible story of a shining ideal pursued over the centuries extended to the full range and scope of humanity. America was founded on the promise of God-given rights, chief among them, the right to life and… Continue Reading →

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