He has called Pope Francis a liberal “servant of Satan” and once suggested the Vatican’s Swiss Guards arrest the 87-year-old pontiff. Now, after receiving years of withering verbal attacks, Francis appears to have struck back against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the… Continue Reading →
In a stunning post on Exsurge Domine, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò lays out the dire situation that we as a Church face: Pope Francis is indeed a false prophet, but he IS still pope: Text from the post can be… Continue Reading →
Dear Friends, these are hours of darkness and confusion, hours in which the mercenaries who infest the Lord’s Fold are unleashed against the good Shepherds – bishops, priests and religious – against the sheep and against the lambs. The mystery of… Continue Reading →
VITIUM CONSENSUS A fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos.Numquid colligunt de spinis uvas aut de tribulis ficus?Sic omnis arbor bona fructus bonos facit; mala autem arbor fructus malos facit.Non potest arbor bona fructus malos facere, neque arbor mala fructus bonos facere.Omnis arbor… Continue Reading →
Nothing is lost with peace. All can be lost with war. Let men return to understanding. Let them resume negotiating. Negotiating with good will and with respect for each other’s rights, let them realize that an honorable success is never precluded… Continue Reading →
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” That was Rahm Emanuel explaining the opportunistic nature of bureaucrats during emergencies like the 2008 financial crisis. The idea is that there are certain goals that power-hungry politicians want to enact on… Continue Reading →
The Vatican’s Secretariat of State has issued an instruction regarding the celebration of Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, suppressing Masses said by a priest by himself, and restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin form of Mass in the Latin rite to… Continue Reading →
Below is the interview of Archbishop Viganò by Steven K. Bannon of the War Room reported by The National Pulse: 1. Now that the Vatican has renewed its insidious secret agreement with China, a deal which you have repeatedly condemned… Continue Reading →
Papal biographer and former Director for Public Affairs of the previous Archbishop of Westminster, Austen Ivereigh says that there is no doubt Pope Francis rumored will be stepping down from the papacy in 2020, following the lead of Pope Emeritus… Continue Reading →
In preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception The rich man who feasted in the Gospel parable (Lk 16: 19-31), after being condemned to hell for not having helped the poor man Lazarus, asks Abraham to warn his five… Continue Reading →
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