The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



The Catholic Church is the Most Charitable Organization on Earth

Amidst the countless challenges faced by humanity, the Catholic Church stands out as a shining beacon of charity and compassion. With a rich legacy rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Church has consistently demonstrated its commitment to serving… Continue Reading →

Trying to use the state for good

Fr. Sirico: True Authority is not Coercive

Quite possibly the most consistent libertarian Christian political candidate in recent history, Ron Paul, continues his campaign for liberty through the Liberty Report. On a recent episode he hosted Father Robert Sirico of the Acton Institute, a steadfast libertarian Catholic…. Continue Reading →

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos to Donate $33 Million to DREAMer Fund

From Politico: Amazon CEO and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos and his wife, MacKenzie, announced Friday that they are donating $33 million to provide college scholarships for undocumented students who were brought to the country illegally as children. The contribution… Continue Reading →

But Without Government Who Will Take Care of the Poor!?!

Catholics Cannot Be Libertarians

Inherit the Kingdom!

If we Give to God what is God’s there would be Nothing Left for Caesar

Volunteering isn’t Socialism. It’s the Opposite of Socialism.

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