The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate


cultural marxism

If It Weren’t For Double Standards…

The Boy Who Cried ‘Hate’

While snowflakes were falling over San Antonio last night, snowflakes everywhere were in a flurry over the downfall of The Libertarian Catholic Facebook page. In an abrupt conclusion to what had been a tempestuous week, Facebook made the decision to… Continue Reading →

Caesar Worship is the Default State of Mind

At the Federalist, I attempted to make the case that Christianity is so wound up in our socio-cultural experience its morality–as portrayed in the Ten Commandments–has shaped our minds in a similar way that language does. I also try to… Continue Reading →

So Inclusive

Jordan B Peterson Obliterates Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism

Jordan Peterson, Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, speaks with The Epoch Times about Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism. Communism is estimated to have killed at least 100 million people, yet its crimes have not… Continue Reading →

Know Thy Enemy: The Frankfurt School

If you’re going to win a war for hearts and minds, it’s important to know who you’re fighting. In the case of the war over Western Civilization, the enemy is the Frankfurt School, which with its poisonous fruits of political… Continue Reading →

Obama and the Enemies of Truth

Obama in his book Dreams of my Father said he chose his friends carefully; the Marxist professors and the structural feminist. He also said that Islam is a religion of peace, that the Koran is holy, and that no one… Continue Reading →

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Review

The EWTN and Arcadia Films production of A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing is a timely and compelling—yet sometimes convoluted—documentary about Saul Alinsky specifically and the cultural Marxism generally that has wrecked havoc on Western Civilization in the last 50 years…. Continue Reading →

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