The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



The Statist Catholic

I Was a Catholic Once….

“I was a Catholic once,” said the lady a few yards from me in the parking lot. “Now I’m a Christian and you can be one as well.” She preceded to hand a tract to a gentleman standing next to… Continue Reading →

Is Lauren Southern Catholic?

Given Ms. Southern’s solid traditional values and good looks, you’d think that she is absolutely a Catholic, but while she claims to have been raised in a Christian home, evidently it’s not Catholic. She does have jokes on the subject… Continue Reading →

Oh, You Think Catholics Can’t Be Libertarians? You Must Know a Bunch of Saintly Politicians

The Top 5 Libertarian Catholic Countries In the World

Countries known for their Catholicism aren’t always known for their libertarianism. Libertarianism tends to be associated with majority protestant nations (mainly due to the influence of the United Kingdom) more than anything. But there are certainly some liberty-loving Catholic countries… Continue Reading →

Caesar Worship is the Default State of Mind

At the Federalist, I attempted to make the case that Christianity is so wound up in our socio-cultural experience its morality–as portrayed in the Ten Commandments–has shaped our minds in a similar way that language does. I also try to… Continue Reading →

One Can be a Good Catholic without Being a Libertarian, but Cannot be a Good Libertarian without Being a Good Catholic

I’m Mike, and I’m a libertarian Catholic. My path has been a long and winding one, with many stops along the way, but as my faith has deepened and the times have changed this two word phrase has best defined… Continue Reading →

Like the Moon? Thank a Catholic

Raising Your Child with the Bible? You May be Raising an Atheist

As someone who teaches college level earth science courses, I take great interest in how science and religion are interpreted in the home. Through the years, I’ve known many students (as well as colleagues) who have erroneous ideas of God… Continue Reading →

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