The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate


Jordan B Peterson

Strength Doesn’t Mean Power; It Means Virtue

The saying “Strong men create good times; good times create weak men; weak men create hard times; hard times create strong men” has recently gained traction, sparking much debate and discussion. This quote, attributed to G. Michael Hopf, a writer… Continue Reading →

Jordan Peterson Educates Destiny on Libertarian Catholicism

Jordan Peterson gave an absolute clinic on several topics in the interview with Destiny. In one part, Destiny seems to be confused about how someone can be anti-government (read: libertarian) and also Catholic. He sounded a lot like many of… Continue Reading →

When Critics Try to Tell Libertarians What Libertarians Believe

Incensed 1: Is the Modern Church Emasculating?

Join JSB Morse, Ross McKnight, and Eric Robert Morse as they discuss the Church Impotent: Is the Modern Church Emasculating? Ranging from topics such as spiritual types, church architecture, and the differences between men and women, this conversation marks the… Continue Reading →

Patrick Coffin Tries to Convert Jordan B. Peterson

In a great interview, Catholic apologist Patrick Coffin visits with Jordan B. Peterson and discusses religion and perhaps more than any interview, Catholicism. Great exchange:

Jordan B. Peterson and Ben Shapiro Show The Universe How to Dialogue on the Rubin Report

Two of the most well-spoken advocates for freedom and responsibility take the stage on one of the best free thinking forums today. The individual versus the state, religion, gender politics, and the art of the conversation. This needs to happen… Continue Reading →

Jordan Peterson Annihilates Feminist BBC Interviewer

Jordan B. Peterson lays out his argument for sex differences in the marketplace in this fascinating interview on BBC Channel 4. The interviewer, Cathy Newman, continuously tries to fit Peterson into a feminist box and Peterson continuously explains the reasonable differences… Continue Reading →


Jordan Peterson in his lecture “Introduction to the idea of God” describes Nietzsche’s view on the medieval Europe in the following way: “Nietzsche said that he did not believe that the scientific revolution would have ever got off the ground… Continue Reading →

Joe Rogan Interviews Jordan B. Peterson and Bret Weinstein on Race, Biology, and Social Discourse

This is the great discussion of our time:

Jordan B Peterson Obliterates Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism

Jordan Peterson, Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, speaks with The Epoch Times about Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism. Communism is estimated to have killed at least 100 million people, yet its crimes have not… Continue Reading →

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