The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Ghislaine Maxwell Court Docs Name Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew

Dozens of new documents related to British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell’s alleged involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein case were released on Thursday night. Included in the release were emails exchanged between Maxwell and Epstein and testimonies by alleged victims, including Virginia… Continue Reading →

Tom Woods Dismantles the Fact-Free Lockdown Hysteria

Author and lecturer Tom Woods soundly dismantled what he calls the “fact-free lockdown hysteria” in his 2020 Mises University talk. In the speech, he reviews the illogic of the arguments for COVID-19 lockdowns. On cancer deaths in the UK. The… Continue Reading →

The COVIDS by Dr. Seuss

This is fantastic! “The COVIDS”   Now, the Mask Wearing People had faces with masks.The Open Face People refused and held fast. Those masks did no good, ‘cause the virus is small.You might think such a thing wouldn’t matter at… Continue Reading →

Gorsuch Dissent in Calvary Chapel Versus Nevada

Gorsuch makes the most of his single paragraph dissent:

Antifa and Protestants Unite for Iconoclasm

Neither Rules Nor Authority Are the Problem

French Revolution involved the creation of the modern State as in the germination of secularism, intolerant laicism, free-masonry, socialism and communism.

Is a Necessitous Faith a True Faith?

At a recent talk, Irish-born theologian Dr. Thomas Groome lamented that ours is a “tough time for faith”. We have moved from what he called a Transcendent Worldview, which encourages faith, to a modern Immanent Worldview, which discourages faith. He… Continue Reading →

The Perils of Contextual Theology

Christian theology is in crisis. According to theologian Peter C. Phan, forces internal and external to the Church have culminated to a point where “drastically divergent answers are given to such fundamental issues as the nature of God, the role… Continue Reading →


Liberals in the ’60s Versus Today

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