The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Liberals Killing Liberalism

Is The Europe Of Nations Really the Goal?

Next May 25, European citizens from the European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (EUSSR) -officially known as the EU- are called to participate in the elections to the so-called “European Parliament” -such a Central Executive Comitee. That election is on… Continue Reading →

I Feel Therefore I Am

Actually- it’s more like, “You must agree with me, therefore I am.”

Anglo Jesus

Alabama House Overwhelmingly Passes Abortion Ban

A bill making it a crime for a doctor to perform an abortion passed in the Alabama House of Representatives Tuesday 74 to 3. “The heart of this bill is to confront a decision that was made by the courts… Continue Reading →

Dolan Names 120 New York Clergy Accused of Sex Abuse

In a report to the Diocese of New York, Timothy Cardinal Dolan released a list of the names of 120 clergy who were accused of sex abuse in the last 70 years: I write today as someone who himself realizes… Continue Reading →

Saint Pius X: Restore all things to Christ

Find this as a T-shirt and other in the libertarian Catholic store!

“This is the end of the Church” said every failed empire the last 2000 years

Candace Owens on American Communists

Alexis de Tocqueville

Writer and statesman, born at Verneuil, Department of Seine-et-Oise, 29 July 1805; died at Cannes, 16 April, 1859. He was the great grandson of Malesherbes, the defender of Louis XVI. As a judge at Versailles in 1830 he formed a… Continue Reading →

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