The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



St. Thomas Becket

Feast Day December 29. Saint Thomas Becket, also known as Saint Thomas of Canterbury was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 until he was martyred in 1170. Becket engaged in conflict with Henry II, King of England, over the rights and privileges… Continue Reading →

Pope Francis Bows to Caesar in Brazenly Socialist ‘Fratelli Tutti’

In his latest encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” Pope Francis has contradicted centuries of Catholic teaching by trying to reconcile socialism with the Catholic faith. Pope Francis is basically saying that the modern world has problems: 170. I would once more observe… Continue Reading →

St. Gelasius Letter to Emperor Anastasius

Letter of Pope Gelasius to Emperor Anastasius on the superiority of the spiritual over temporal power: The pope’s view of the natural superiority of the spiriitual over the temporal power finds a clear expression the following remarkable letter of Gelasius… Continue Reading →

St Polycarp “I Don’t Bow to Caesar” T-shirt

Goes great with no face mask! Get your high quality St. Polycarp “I Don’t Bow to Caesar” T-shirt here. See other great Catholic Saint T-shirts in our store.

John XXIII on Catholics and Socialism

Pope Pius XI further emphasized the fundamental opposition between Communism and Christianity, and made it clear that no Catholic could subscribe even to moderate Socialism. The reason is that Socialism is founded on a doctrine of human society which is bounded by… Continue Reading →

Giuseppe Berardelli Pray For Us!

St. Thomas Aquinas: Do No Harm

An immensely influential philosopher, theologian, and jurist in the tradition of scholasticism, he is also known within the latter as the Doctor Angelicus and the Doctor Communis. The name Aquinas identifies his ancestral origins in the county of Aquino in present-day Lazio, Italy. He was the foremost classical proponent of natural theology and the… Continue Reading →

Hebrew Midwives’ Civil Disobedience

St. John XXIII: Private ownership of property, including that of productive goods, is a natural right which the State cannot suppress

Can Kanye Make Christianity Cool?

Scott Ott brings up an interesting point during Bill Whittle’s Right Angle podcast answering the question can Kanye make Christianity cool? His response is that, “Christianity was not made to be cool.” And that’s exactly right. Coolness isn’t synonymous with… Continue Reading →

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