The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Fr. James Altman: ‘Bergoglio is Not the Pope’

Fr. James Altman calls out Pope Francis for contradicting the Catechism of Trent: Fr. Altman explains that people who assert or imply that, “The holy eucharist can be re even while not in the state of grace because of baby-murdering… Continue Reading →

The Problem of Pain and Suffering

The problem of pain has long perplexed philosophers, theologians, and thinkers throughout history. How can a loving and all-powerful God allow suffering and pain to exist in the world? This profound question has led to a variety of theological and… Continue Reading →

Judge Me, O God and Deliver Me from the Nation that is Not Holy

The Bible Doesn’t say “Don’t judge!” The Bible rather says one should judge rightly: “Open thy mouth, judge righteously, And minister justice to the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:9) “Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” (John 7:24)… Continue Reading →

The Kalām Cosmological Argument

The Kalām cosmological argument is a philosophical argument for the existence of God that has been defended by various Islamic, Jewish, and Christian scholars throughout history. The argument has its roots in Medieval Islamic philosophy, but it has been formulated… Continue Reading →

The Only Thing Jesus Had in Common with Communists is When He Didn’t Eat for 40 Days: Njala

From a post on the Fascbook in response to Pope Francis’s insane comment.

Just War Doctrine

As early as the fifth century, St. Augustine of Hippo was considering the moral consequences of war. He was one of the first people to articulate a philosophical statement on war and justice, known as the Just War doctrine. St…. Continue Reading →

Don’t Shoot I’m an Idiot!


Molinism, named after 16th-century Spanish Jesuit priest and Roman Catholic theologian Luis de Molina of the School of Salamanca, is the thesis that God has middle knowledge. It seeks to reconcile the apparent tension of divine providence and human free will. Types of Divine Knowledge According to Kenneth Keathley,… Continue Reading →

Sign Petition to Preserve the Latin Mass

The Church is under attack from all sides and seems to be at war with herself. The latest decrees by Pope Francis have stifled celebration of the extraordinary form of the Mass. All Catholics should be offended by these clear… Continue Reading →

Vatican Restricts Traditional Latin Mass in St. Peter’s

The Vatican’s Secretariat of State has issued an instruction regarding the celebration of Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, suppressing Masses said by a priest by himself, and restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin form of Mass in the Latin rite to… Continue Reading →

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