The Libertarian Catholic The Libertarian Catholic

Pro Veritatis Amorisque Humanitate



Bernie Field Organizer Wants American Gulags for ‘Re-Education’

Bernie Sanders Iowa Field Organizer Kyle Jurek was shown on a hidden camera to advocate for American gulags for the purpose of re-education in a Project Veritas’s Expose2020 story. In the second part, Jurek is shown saying that you’re not… Continue Reading →

Ricky Gervais’s 2020 Golden Globe Monologue is Best Thing to Come Out of Hollywood Since Empire Strikes Back

Pulling absolutely no punches in an epic roast of the Hollywood elite, comedian Ricky Gervais called out pretty much everyone at the 2020 Golden Globes: h/t Juggernaut

Kanye West and Choir Perform at Harris County Jail

Kanye continues his immersion into the faith of Jesus Christ with the spiritual work of mercy visiting the imprisoned. And he did more than that. The looks on some of these inmates’ faces says it all. Some are joking that… Continue Reading →

Can Kanye Make Christianity Cool?

Scott Ott brings up an interesting point during Bill Whittle’s Right Angle podcast answering the question can Kanye make Christianity cool? His response is that, “Christianity was not made to be cool.” And that’s exactly right. Coolness isn’t synonymous with… Continue Reading →

Google Launched Latest Censorship Effort at Masonic Temple

In Project Veritas‘s ongoing campaign to uncover the political agenda of Big Tech, a new video shows a Google whistleblower describing the latest censorship campaign targeting enemies of the Left like Dave Rubin and Steven Crowder. The launch meeting was… Continue Reading →

NC Girl Triggers Pro-Choicers by Comparing Abortion to Slavery

Addison Woosley, 13, joined a number of pro-life advocates on June 4 in urging the Raleigh City Council to adopt a resolution making it a “sanctuary city for the unborn.” In her speech, she compared abortion to slavery, which caused… Continue Reading →

‘Unplanned’ is Unplanned Success in Opening Weekend; Could Make Major Difference

Movie to Movement producer Jason Jones thinks that the film Unplanned about Abby Johnson’s transformation from Planned Parenthood manager and advocate to ardent pro-life activist could be the Uncle Tom’s Cabin of abortion. The pro-life argument has been thoroughly defended… Continue Reading →

Venezuelan Paramilitary Officers Opened Fire in Church, Desecrated Eucharist

In a video circulating on social networks, a priest states that the perpetrators of the attack, in an attempt to disband the group of faithful, opened fire inside the church, profaned the sanctuary and damaged church decorations. The parish priest,… Continue Reading →

Watch as Virginia Governor Advocates for Infanticide

Just days after New York legalized abortion up to the point of birth, legislators in Virginia are pushing for the same thing and even more barbaric laws. This is Democratic Virginia Governor Ralph Northam discussing the proposal: “If a mother… Continue Reading →

New York Bishop Says Excommunication Possible if Cuomo Continues to Distance Himself From the Church

Many Catholics have called for the excommunication of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo after he recently signed legislation allowing for abortion up to the point of birth. “Excommunication is a last resort, and as the Governor continues to distance himself… Continue Reading →

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